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Conditional Green Card


If you have been married for less than 2 years at the time you are approved for a green card, then you will receive a conditional green card, which is valid for 2 years.


You and your spouse must apply to remove the conditional nature of your green card within 90 days (3 months) of the two-year expiration date. By doing this you are essentially requesting that the conditional green card be converted to a 10-year green card. In applying to remove the conditional nature of the green card, the validity of your marriage will be re-examined.


It is highly important to discuss your case with your immigration lawyer prior to applying to remove the conditional nature of your green card, as certain factors can complicate your case.


What If I Don’t Apply To Remove The Conditions Of My Green Card Before The Two-Year Anniversary?


If you don’t apply to convert your conditional green card to a 10-year green card before the end of your two-year anniversary, then you will risk being put in removal proceedings.


Furthermore, you will not be able to travel internationally and you may be deemed to have abandoned your status as a permanent resident. You need to apply to convert the conditional green card to a 10-year green card before the two-year anniversary of your status as a permanent resident.


REMEMBER that the filing window opens 90 days prior to your two-year anniversary and it ends on the 2-year anniversary.


How Is A Conditional Green Card Different Than A 10-Year Green Card?


An individual who has a conditional green card is a permanent resident and has the same rights and responsibilities as an individual with a 10-year green card.


The only difference is that an individual with a conditional green card is required to apply to remove the conditions and convert the conditional green card to a 10-year green card within 90 days of their two-year anniversary of being a permanent resident.


What Is The Purpose Of The Conditional Green Card?


The conditional green card was introduced by USCIS to combat marriage fraud. By only providing a conditional green card valid for a two-year period, USCIS is given another opportunity to evaluate the validity of your marriage.


If it is determined after applying to remove the conditions of your green card that your marriage was entered into lawfully, your conditional green card will be converted into a 10-year green card.


Who Has To Submit The Application To Remove Conditions? Me, My Spouse, Or Both Of Us?


A petition to remove conditions is a joint petition, meaning that both you and your spouse will sign the petition.


Aside From The Petition, What Else Needs To Be Submitted?


Any documentation that establishes that the marriage is valid, such as:


  • joint ownership of property

  • joint lease

  • utility bills

  • joint bank accounts and/or credit card accounts

  • birth certificates of any children

  • other joint documents

  • photos

  • affidavits from third parties

  • any other relevant evidence


What if I Forgot To File My Petition To Remove The Conditions Of My Green Card By The 2 Year Anniversary?


Assuming you have not been put in removal proceedings, not all is lost if you have failed to file your petition by your two-year anniversary of being approved for a conditional green card.


You can file your petition late (days, months, years), but you must include a sufficient explanation as to why you did not file the petition on time.

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